Tuesday, July 14, 2015

2- Unconditional Love


"Home is where the heart is." 

You would hear this phrase on movies, from someone or a book but what does it really mean? Other people assume it means that the home where you're living at, the earthly materials you own, is the thought that's being described in that phrase.

The meaning is more than that. For me, the "Heart" is you, you decide where you go and what you should do. It’s what you feel and what your heart desires. While, the "Home" can be a person; family, friend, your significant other and beyond. It's who you show who you really are, you're comfortable and can express yourself freely with that person. Even if that person is far away, you'll always know that there's a part of him within you.

Where is my home? It doesn't have to be only one person, it can be anyone that makes you feel loved and protected.

My home is my family, they're the ones who have nurtured me with never ending love. Who have been there for me as I was still an infant, learning the life of our world called, "Earth.”

The one person who is a big part of my life is my mom. When I was still young, she would be the one to assist me to get up every morning, help me take a bath and go to and from school. She was the one who cooked and did every household chores and when I was growing up, she taught me how to help her.

She has taught me to be strong, to never give up on my dreams. Even if I have disappointed her countless times, she didn't give up on me and instead, assisted me on working out my dilemmas. She was always straight forward, telling her thoughts about various matters. She showed me how to handle my problems, my feelings of anger, guilt, and fear towards a person or an event. She's my number one fan when I join tournaments, she would shout my name boldly. For me it would be the same as holding a banner written, "Mommy's here! You can do it!” 

When I get home from class, I would go straight to her room and lie down beside her; narrating about my day and telling her my feelings on different topics. She was the one beside me when I lost my first pet, when I found out the people around me wouldn't always be there. Some people would ditch you when they feel more superior and leave you standing there feeling hopeless. She has taught me not to talk badly of someone unless I have seen their true colors but I should keep it to myself. She would still be awake when I get home pretty late from an outing with my friends, she'll be sitting on the couch in the living room and we would always talk until we get sleepy and fall asleep together. My mom is my shelter and I love her dearly.

My home is my mom, she'll always be standing near the door waiting for me and welcoming me with open arms. She's the one who made me who I am now and I'm glad that she's also my best friend, who's one phone call away when I’m in need of someone to talk to. I love you mom!

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