Tuesday, July 14, 2015

5- Techy Word

Tech-y World

As you all know, Technology plays a big role in our society. Almost everyone in the world owns one or numerous gadgets. We use our phones, laptops and other electronics for our social networking sites, reading novels - also known as E-Books -, playing or using game applications, searching information's for school works or presentations for work and heaps more.

There's a study where it shows that majority of the people, don't have a day of not using these machinery. Let's face it, we hardly see a person that doesn't own any gadgets, as they call it an endangered species.

We all know the advantages and disadvantages of this but I highly want to stress the use of electronics while being with other people. When I spend time at my grandparent's house, all my cousins would be too busy on their phones and Ipads that it saddens me that they can't see how technology is taking over their life. We were there to spend time together with our loved ones, not lazily sit in a couch and be occupied with our phones and other technologies.

Reunions or hang-outs with family and friends are quite different now because of technology. Instead of talking and catching up with each others life, people would look at their phones or any gadgets to do something else which is why the interaction or communication is hindered and the sense of reunions is gone. That's a fact, observe the people around you and you shall witness what the world has become because of such electronics.

So, How do you try to stop this problematic issue? Well, put your gadget inside your bag, pocket or don't use it in front of people.

My family has taught me one thing, it's rude to use your gadget while someone is in front of you or talking to you. At home, we make it a point to have quality time together; we watch a movie in the flat-screen TV, talk endlessly about different topics and so much more. I was taught not to use my phone or any gadgets while eating in the table, we interact and that's important.

I'm glad that I'm not in one of the majority of people that can't put down their phones or would die of boredom without it. I have experienced not having a phone for a year, because I was grounded but it was able to teach me the importance of interaction with people.

So please, take a break from your devices and catch up with the people around you.

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