Tuesday, July 14, 2015

4-Loyal Bitches

“Loyal Bitches”

                Dogs, as we can see, are very common for decades . They could be seen in someone’s front lawn, at parks, or across the street. Who wouldn’t want to have a hound of their own? In my humble opinion, dogs are better than cats. I could see the difference of a hound to a feline. Even the memes that goes around the internet nowadays. Here are some reason on why you need to have one!

                Firstly, they’re good for our health. In many ways, they give comfort and we receive a lot of benefits from them. They could also sense cancer cells from people and you’d be looking forward to go home from school or work. They could relieve one’s stress because they are playful creatures. They have sense of humor and everyone needs a laugh once in a while in this serious world.

                Moreover, dogs offer security to their owners. We always have that one problem during at night, where a lot of people are asleep and there are more chances of someone barging into your crib. A dog could alarm you whenever something like that happens. One story about it is when my uncle was at home, cooking. It was during afternoon when his dog suddenly barked, but it wasn’t the normal bark that he used to produce. Unfortunately, they didn’t give it much attention and later on found out that the culprit stole a bolo knife and a wallet which belongs to the carpenter who sleeps there. The carpenter luckily didn’t forget to close and lock the gate that would lead to the main house so no one was harmed.

          Finally, the undying love of a dog is unbearable. I suppose we’ve all heard about the famous news of Hachiko, the dog who waited for his owner, Ueno,  in the station even if that person never returned due to mortality. He never knew that his master died because of fatal brain hemorrhage. It was said that the master and the dog would walk together at night as they return home. Despite the fact that Hachiko never saw his master, he waited loyally for more than nine years without giving up. Throughout those years, people had been giving attention to this loyal dog. They’d give him treats along the way until one fateful day, Hachiko was seen dead on the street near Shibuya.
       There are still a lot of reasons on why one should have their own canine in a household. They truly are “a man’s best friend.” Also, there’s a lot of dogs out there who doesn’t receive much love that they should. Why not adopt one now? Oh, for you information, female dogs are called bitches!

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