Friday, July 17, 2015

6- Friend


Have you had that one friend that calls you out of the blue just to ask a favor or something from you? And later on, after you have given them what they needed, they'll poof and retreat to their cave or whatever their hide out is. Or Have you experienced being judged by your own friends from only one mistake that you didn't mean to do?

I have had companions that took my friendship for granted. I gave them more chances than I can ever count and it aches my heart when I know that they just wanted me for something I could give. 

I had this friend that would only be there when she needed me. When she has issues with her family, friends, boyfriend or anyone; she would call me and ask for my aid. As a good friend, I would be there for her no matter what but after we solve a certain problem, she would be gone the minute we separate. If I had a problem and I really needed someone to talk to, she was always the one I called first but when she picks up the phone, she would constantly reply, "Sorry, I'm busy right now! Call me at five." And I would but then she would never pick it up again. That has happened more than once but I would forgive her the minute she's the one who'll call me.

There was another time where we planned to meet up at a mall because she wanted to see me and hang out - and it had been a long time since we've last seen each other. I was at the mall at one pm and was waiting for her while I walked in and out different shops. It was already after an hour to our designated time, and I decided to call her and she said, "I'm almost there! Sorry." then hanged up. I decided to go to a bookstore and I texted her where I was located but after more than an hour - I didn't notice the time because I was busy reading a book -, She still wasn't there. 

I called her and I said, "Where are you? It's already been two hours!". 
She said, "I don't have money to come there" 
I angrily replied, "But you said you were almost here! Why didn't you tell me?" 
She replied, "I'm sorry." and I ended the call.

It definitely stung that I called my friends and told them what happened. They went to the rescue and was at the mall less than an hour, we watched a movie and ate in a restaurant until it was almost closing time. I got home better but there's still this aching feeling that I lost someone that I held dear. My friends retorted that she wasn't worth it, I should forget about these kinds of people.

Never forget to appreciate a person who gives importance to your well-being. This has taught me that I shouldn't never use a person for my needs because it's inhumane to do such actions which is why I never expected anyone to do something for me, I don't want to take advantage of their kindness and solidarity.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of people really takes advantage of their friends kindness. But I guess, that kind of friendship is completely UNHEALTHY. But the good thing is that your other friends still came just to comfort you. :) Those are the friends that I would really treasure forever, not that one that just knows you when she needs something. :)
