Monday, August 24, 2015

10 - Awareness and Preparedness for the Big One

Disaster may happen anytime, anywhere and when disaster strikes we don’t have much time to respond, before it is too late the key survival is AWARENESS and PREPAREDNESS.

What “the Big One” means? Experts define The Big One as a hypo thermal earthquake of magnitude 8 or greater than is expected to happen, such quake will produce devastation to human civilization. No one really knows when the Big One will happen, even the experts cannot yet predict earthquake with any precision. It has been said that earthquake don’t kill people but buildings do. Earthquake is hazardous to human because of ground shaking, ground rupture, landslides and tsunami. The destructive effects of earthquake are due mainly to intense Ground shaking, because of severe vibration; buildings, towers and posts may tilt, split and collapse. Many strong earthquake originate along the faults that breaks the earth rigid crust that manifest a deformation on the ground and a series of discontinuous crack. Intense ground shaking can trigger a landslide by loosening the cohesion that breaks the slope materials together. An earthquake could trigger tsunami and its dangerous as a large tsunami may arrive at a neighboring coast with no warning. Earthquake may result in extensive damage, including collapsing of buildings, infrastructure, bridges and highways. Most of the earthquake injuries result from being hit by collapsing walls and shifting objects. And people can be killed by being trapped in a collapsed building.

Metro Manila is in threat of the so called the big one because of the movement of West Valley Fault. West Valley Fault is a 100 kilometer fault that traverse in various parts of Metro Manila and surrounding provinces. According to the study of Metro Manila Earthquake Impact Reduction Study that an earthquake could destroy 40% of the buildings in the metropolis and could kill about 37,000 and estimated of 2.3 million damages. Since the government is anticipating this potentially devastating natural disaster various information have been done to disseminate findings from these studies and educate people on how to prepare.

Preparedness will be the key to survive, that means each family should be ready. Don’t be scared be informed, educate, prepared, then be confident that you are ready. Everyone should prepare their homes in anticipation of an earthquake. 

o   Things that we can do before the earthquake. First make an emergency preparedness checklist. Everyone should plans and conduct practice drills. Locate the safe and dangerous spot in your home.  And have a list of important contact numbers.

o   It is very important also that we are prepare with the basic survival kits such as flashlight, whistle, and a VHS radio. Prepare a package of emergency supplies that includes water, food, first aid kit and cash. It is best that supplies would last for at least a week.

o   When you feel an earthquake, while you are indoor.  Do not Panic, and try to stay calm.  DROP and COVER under a desk or stay away from windows and furniture’s that could fall. Hold onto the desk or table.  If it move, move with it. Do not run – stay where you are

o   when an earthquake occur while outside, you should move to an open area stay your feet on the ground and duck to avoid falling debris, stay away from trees, posts and concrete structure. Move away from steep slopes which may be affected by landslides

o   While driving – pull over to the side of the road, stop and set the parking brake. Avoid overpasses, bridges and power lines. Stay inside the car until the shaking is over, if a power line falls on the car stay inside until a trained person removes the wire

o   After the earthquake avoid making calls using your phone, do not use the elevator as they may still have an aftershock. Make sure to wear shoes there may be a broken glasses and may injured you. Use radio to find out the information about the quake.

We don’t really know when it is going to happen. It is too scary that this disaster may resulted in tremendous devastation in our country. We may not avoid it but with our awareness and preparedness we may at least minimize the damages and casualties.


  1. Nice, that's true. We need to be aware on how to survive when this big earthquake comes!

  2. When that day comes, it will be a disaster, but knowing what to do will help us survive that future tragedy. Thanks for this!
