Thursday, August 27, 2015

13 - My Philosophy


I grew up in a family of Christian and Catholic, but ever since I never had a confusion with my religion because of my grandmother that is a Christian who teaches us the word of God by reading us the verses in the Bible. My Lola is my great influence when it comes to religion; I saw the faith on her of what she believes and an example of a good Christian. As I grow up I also came to the point that I question the existence of God, if God is real, especially nowadays that science has their own theory that made people confuse by providing an evidence. But my faith never shattered as I always believe that faith is in our heart, that’s why I do respect people regardless of their religion. Being a Christian I believe in Heaven and Hell and that’s our final destination of our life, whatever we do while we still alive and when we day it’s our judgement day for our soul where it deserved. 

I ‘m not a big fan of an issue on government and politics, it’s too complex and complicated for me. As a citizen I am so disappointed with our government especially corruption that is happening in our country, an increasing rate of crimes because of poverty that hardly ignore as it has a great effect in our economy. And because of this issue I didn’t practice my right to vote as I feel that is just useless as we can see is a rampant vote buying that happens every election. And somehow I feel disgusted and ashamed of our government compare with other country as the politician really works for his people and you’ll see how they implements the law compare here that the people who break the law are in position that whom supposed to protect his people. 

Being in a real world already, I already seen a lot, experience to struggle on how to survive. During my younger years I’d been so stubborn and impulsive that often made a wrong decision with my life for instance when I decided to stop my study to show that I’m against with my parents decision. As I get older I realize the importance of education because it’s not just a fall back for us but it’s also a wealth that no one could take away that from us and something that we could proud of. Having a good education would help us to have a self confidence that we needed to become more competitive. 

I’m not a judgmental person, so when it comes to morality I haven’t much opinion on it, because I myself I admit I’m not perfect as I done things that against what is morally right. However as a Christian in me as much as I could I still always try to balance what is right and what is wrong and if possibly not hurt anyone else as much as I’m such a believer of Karma.

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