Thursday, August 27, 2015

14- Overcoming obstacle


One of the important project as a student that Id been through is when we are given a task of doing a group project. It was indeed a frustration on me as I'm not good on making a paper and the fact that I don't have a habit of reading so Its not helping. It was really challenge for me back then on how am I going to cross a bridge of overcoming my weakness.I
also came to the point that I am crying for help as Im really helpless.  

The first time I attempt to write our paper, I wasnt really happy for the outcome so I almost give up and been tempt to ask someone to do it for me. It was ended up as failure that our proffesor is very disappointed with all of Us. Moving on we are given again a group project and i take note what id learn from my past mistakes. what i did is I coordinate with the group, do some planning and researching about the topic. My goal that time was not just make it right but to meet the quality and the standard that our professor asked for. It wasnt easy especially if there are a conflict with the group but with my perserverance i still manage to resolve it by focusing on our goal and that is to meet the expectation of our professor since its the second chance given to us. 

Overcoming with all the obstacles, by not giving up,  putting my heart on what I am doing and with the motivation coming from our professor. We able to finish it with an A- as a result and it was indeed a great achievement for me that time.

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