Wednesday, August 26, 2015

11 - Paper Bag VS Plastic Bag

Paper Bag VS Plastic Bag 

Makati is one of the few cities here in the Philippines that practice the no plastic ordinance which encourages people to use paper bags instead of plastic bags – a desperate attempts to make our city a so called plastic free. But do you really believe that this bag substitute is a solution in trying to lessen the volume of garbage. 

Indeed that both bags can be recycled. But do we really RECYCLE? The fact that we actually having a hard time to segregates our garbage. And most of us at some point is guilty of not taking it seriously. So for me using plastic bag is still better than using paper bag if we are going to consider the future impact of it in our environment. In fact studies shows that conventional plastic shopping bags have a smaller environmental impacts than paper bag. 

Plastic bags were invented as an alternative to paper grocery bags in the late 1970’s to protect trees and to prevent cutting of our forests, so it actually not making any sense, Right? So why now the government encourage people to use paper bag, instead. Paper bags needed fibres to be capable of carrying heavy loads that’s why it has to be made from virgin material and newly cut trees. And according to study recycled paper is too weak, the result double bagging which double the waste. That’s why it consumes more of our resources. 

When it comes to manufacturing, According to the LCA (life cycle assessment) shows that produce paper bag it consume larger amounts of water and energy; they consume four times more water and paper generates three times more greenhouse gases. 

Whatever type of bag is used the key to reducing its environment impact is to REUSE is as many as possible. Paper bags tend to fail on REUSE because they tear easily and are not waterproof. While conventional plastic bags are highly REUSABLE. 

And lastly when it comes to solid waste, paper generates more waste. Grocery paper bags are heavier than plastic bags, plastic weigh 6-8 gms while paper weigh 55 gms, can you imagine the difference? 

Neither paper nor plastic bags are the best choice. But as we always said when making decision, we chose the lesser evil. So the solution put an end to the problems, is the cooperation between the governments and individuals to take the necessary action by strictly implementing the practice of REDUCE, REUSE and, RECYCLE. If other country can do why we can’t. We don’t have any excuse, we must just practice discipline. Think GREEN we just remember our future generation they are still little ones waiting to enjoy the world.

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