Monday, August 24, 2015

9 - Glass of Water

Glass of Water

One Sunday afternoon, looking forward on finally meeting you. Time check it was already 1:30 and I’m bit apprehensive. I wasn’t decided yet what am I going to wear. Had a quick scan on my closet, realize hadn’t much clothes to wear. And I don’t have much time to get a new pair of outfit, so I ended up put on my faded jeans, green short sleeves with black bolero. Quite satisfied with my reflection on the mirror I’m ready to go. Ooops! What shoes? It’s already 2:30, I don’t have much time and I need to run , so heels is out of my option, grabbing a comfy flat shoes and I’m ready to run. Thirty minutes left and can’t see any cab on the street after a while standing I decided to just take a bus. Since its weekend I expect to be on time as it’s just a mile away and probably no traffic. Unfortunately it has to stop in every bus stop, I started to get cranky trying to calm myself by just thinking how the first date would ended up. It could be a disappointed on his part as I’m already late. Checking up myself on mirror id realize I haven’t put any make up, oh that’s great, I’d already started to get depressed as I can imagine him thinking how such a disaster date he had.

Finally I arrive at my destination and it is quite a distant from the bus stop to the coffee shop, leaving me no choice I had to run. No time to go to the wash room to fixed myself. Went straight away to our meeting place. Approaching the coffee shop, I recognize him, patiently sitting at the center table with a glass of water, he is wearing a green checkered polo shirt. I am really out of breath because of an endless running, as soon as I reach a table, I’d just muttered Hi! And drink the glass water straight away. Embarrassed without looking at him I said thank you. Clueless of what he think of me, he smiled back and ask me to take a seat. At that moment all I want is to end it up, it was indeed a disaster to start off. But looking at him, he seems amused with me. Waiter approach and take our order. I had my usual cappuccino and strawberry cream cake, while he have earl grey tea and choco mint cake. While waiting for our order he noticed that we are both wearing green and it’s a St. Patricks’ day, coincidence huh!

Id never expected that it would be a pleasant afternoon, we had a good laugh and I found him such a nice guy and humble in spite of what he had. I knew at that moment I already had a crush on him, the way he smile and how he made me feel better that in spite of our social status he never made me feel that way. As we ended up that memorable Sunday afternoon, I never thought that it would change my life J

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